Peggy Lauritzen

This is Peggy's second time to speak at Willard Library. Our patrons love her and cannot wait to hear what she has to say this year. You can learn more about Peggy on her website, Anxiously Engaged.
9:00 Hidden Gems in the FamilySearch Wiki
The FamilySearch Wiki contains tens of thousands of pages to assist you in researching your family’s history.
Summary: What is a wiki? It’s one of the best-kept secrets of FamilySearch. Let’s learn how this powerful and robust tool can bring the world to your fingertips.
11:00 Analysis & Correlation: A Case Study on a Family Missing in the Census
The US Federal Census is one of the first places researchers go to research their families. It's a beginning genealogist's dream to see their family lines build. But do we return and check our research as often as we should?
This case study visits a family that we would often assume as just being missed by the enumerator. But, there was so much more going on.
2:00 Navigating Our Way Through Family Search is a marvel, and if our research doesn’t begin there, we should navigate our way to this ever-changing web site.
Summary: Just when we think we have gleaned all we can from FamilySearch, the web site changes, more records are added, or we uncover a new way or preserving our own stories.
4:00 Vital Records Before State Registration
As reach further back into our family tree, we find that most vital records, as we know them, just did not exist. What are some of the alternatives we may use as primary evidence in our ancestors’ lives?
Summary: Let’s not take every printed or compiled source as “gospel”.
Perhaps there are some hidden sources to help make our research more credible.