Historic Photo Collection - Buildings: Civic and Government

City Hall: Photo taken “prior to 1916” (Knecht 527)

City Hall: C. 1894 (photo from “Souvenir of Evansville, Ind.” booklet)

City Hall: Third and Walnut Sts.; photo dated 1909 (Knecht 240)

Civic Center: View from the Old National Bank building at Sixth and Main Sts.; c. 1970s (Petroleum Club Collection)

Civic Center: Fountain at rear of City-County Administration building; c. 1980 (2PC-100)

Civic Center (New Photo): New city-county government building; c. 1970 (Miscellaneous Collection)

Civic Circle: Rendering of new government complex proposed by Evansville’s Future, Inc.; c. early 1960s (Sears Collection)

Coliseum: Formally named the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Coliseum; photo depicts the building in 1917, shortly after its construction (Knecht 4439)

Coliseum: Construction of the first exhibit in new building; c. 1917 (Knecht 4434)

Coliseum: First automobile show in new building; c. 1917 (Knecht 4435)

Coliseum: View of the building from the Courthouse lawn soon after its completion in 1917 (Miscellaneous 5121)

Coliseum: Audience inside the Coliseum on April 6, 1932 (Knecht 1961)

Coliseum: Photo dated October 6, 1999 (20 PC-1)

Coliseum: Photo dated January 20, 1925 (or 1928) (Knecht 2106)

Coliseum: Detail of sculpture designed by George Honig near the entrance to the Coliseum; photo dated 1917 (Knecht 1960)

Coliseum: Construction of building; dated late 1916 (Knecht 476)

Coliseum: 300 Court St.; c. 1996 (17PC 73)

Coliseum: Interior of auditorium; c. 1996 (17PC 67)

Coliseum: Detail of entrance door; c. 1996 (17PC 72)

Coliseum: Attendees of furniture and stove market convention held in April 1921 (Knecht 1038)

Coliseum: Interior view showing the stage; c. 1996 (17PC 68)

County Courthouse: Main and Third Sts.; the building was razed in 1886 (Meyer-Schlamp 126)

County Courthouse: Main at Third Sts. (Payne 29)

County Courthouse Annex: Building formerly the Fourth Street M. E. Church in 200 block of NW Fourth St. (next to the Old Jail); photo dated January 1931 (Knecht 1446)

Courthouse and Jail: Rockport, IN; c. 1920 (Knecht 5132)

Federal Building: Named in honor of Winfield K. Denton, U. S. Congress from Indiana’s Eighth District; c. 1996 (17PC 100)

Hose House No. 15: Grand and Washington Ave.; c. 1920 (Knecht 406)

Hose House No. 1: Unidentified men examining the firebell; photo dated 1936 (Knecht 1894)

Hose House No. 1: Third and Walnut Sts.; photo dated 1909 (Knecht 234)

Hose House No. 10: C. 1970s (Sonntag 1)

Hose House No. 12: 1409 First Ave.; photo dated 1999 (21PC 36)

Hose House No. 15: 960 S. Grand Ave.; c. 1910 (Marchand 1774)

Hose House No. 3: Located on the southeast corner of Fourth Ave. and W. Indiana St.; c. late 1970s (Marchand 2282)

Hose House No. 5: St. Joseph Ave., just north of Pennsylvania Ave.; photo dated October 1984 (6PC 68)

Hose House No. 7: Located at Dearborn and Delmar in Howell; top floor housed public library, and bottom floor was Hose House; photo dated 1923 (Knecht 4024)

Hose House No. 8: W. Columbia St.; photo dated 1902 (EPL 2)

Municipal Market: Looking north at First Ave. and Pennsylvania St. (note horse trough in middle of intersection); c. 1940s (VC 29)

Municipal Market: Looking south on First Ave. towards Pennsylvania St.; c. 1920 (Knecht 800)

Municipal Market: Interior view; c. 1920s (Miscellaneous Collection)

National Guard Armory: Under construction on S. Rotherwood; photo by 113th Photo Section, 38th Division Aviation, Indiana National Guard, c. 1938 (Knecht 2402)

National Guard Armory: 201 S. Rotherwood; c. 1980 (2PC 94)

National Guard Armory: C. 1987 (9PC 34)

National Guard Armory (New Photo): 201 S. Rotherwood; c. 1970s (Miscellaneous Collection)

Old Vanderburgh County Jail: Looking northwest towards the Coliseum; c. 1979 (Marchand 308)

Old Vanderburgh County Jail: Photo dated 1980 (Marchand 2436)

Old Vanderburgh County Jail: 208 NW Fourth St.; built in 1890; photo undated (Misc. 83)

Old Vanderburgh County Jail: Photo dated 1999 (21PC 9)

Old Vanderburgh County Jail: A guard on duty during the 1903 race riot (Knecht 4020)

Police Station: Photo dated 1906 (Knecht 764)

Police Station: Third and Walnut Sts.; photo dated 1916 (Knecht 4414)

Post Office and Customs House: View from NW Second and Vine Sts.; photo dated 1985 (7PC 49)

Post Office and Customs House: Dated July 5, 1969 (Koch Studio 96)

Post Office and Customs House: 100 NW Second St.; photo dated 1979 (Marchand 2740)

Post Office and Customs House Construction of the Post Office and Customs House: on NW Second St.; c. 1875-1879 (Hammond 2)

Post Office and Customs House: Construction of the Post Office and Customs House; view shows Sycamore St. façade; c. 1875-1879 (Hammond 3)

Post Office and Customs House: The kiosk in the foreground contained weather instruments; photo dated winter 1914 (Knecht 4412)

Post Office and Customs House: C. 1999 (21PC 75)

Post Office and Customs House: Photo dated January 4, 1927 (Meyer-Schlamp 128)

Post Office and Customs House: Under renovation; photo dated July 1, 1916 (Post Office 5)

Post Office and Customs House: Under renovation; photo dated August 3, 1916 (Post office 7)

Post Office and Customs House: Under renovation; photo dated February 1, 1917 (Post Office 19)

Post Office and Customs House: Interior under renovation; photo dated September 1, 1917 (Post Office 30)

Post Office and Customs House: Postal employees; c. 1917 (Post Office 3)

Post Office and Customs House: Postal employees on the steps of the Post Office; c. 1917 (Post Office 2)

Post Office and Customs House: C. 1980 (Powell 2)

Roberts Stadium: Under construction; photo dated 1955 (Kleindorfer 7)

Roberts Stadium (New Photo): Under construction in 1955 (Miscellaneous-Legeman Collection)

Roberts Stadium (New Photo): Under construction in 1955 (Miscellaneous-Legeman Collection)

Roberts Stadium (New Photo): Shrine Circus, possibly the first held in new stadium; c. 1956 (Miscellaneous-Legeman Collection)

Roberts Stadium (New Photo): Concert (?) in new stadium; c. 1956 (Miscellaneous-Legeman Collection)

Vanderburgh County Courthouse: Looking northwest; the Coliseum is visible in the upper left corner; c. 1980s (Marchand 1828)

Vanderburgh County Courthouse: C. 1979 (Marchand 306)

Vanderburgh County Courthouse: Looking southeast between Fourth and Fifth Sts.; c. 1915 (Knecht 1865)

Vanderburgh County Courthouse: Detail of exterior sculpture; photo dated 1999 (21PC 4)

Vanderburgh County Courthouse: Detail of building (note the man on the upper ledge, just left of center); early 1900s (Knecht 3112)

Vanderburgh County Courthouse: In background at left are an old German Methodist church (later used as an annex by the county), the steeple of Holy Trinity Church, and the Vanderburgh County jailhouse; photo dated 1909 (Knecht 765)

Vanderburgh County Courthouse: C. 1920 (Knecht 3113)

Vanderburgh County Courthouse: Photo dated January 4, 1927 (Meyer-Schlamp 129)

Water Works and Filter Plant: C. 1915 (Knecht 4424)

Water Works Filter Plant: Interior view showing filters; c. 1910 (Knecht 4431)

Water Works Plant: Under construction in 1909 (Knecht 4426)

Water Works Plant: Photo dated 1937 (Knecht 2051)