Historic Photo Collection - Streets: Main Street

Dexter Monument: Monument erected in memory of Captain Henry Dexter, riverboat pilot, who died in 1872; original location was at Main and Second Sts., and the monument is now located in Sunset Park (Deeds 50)

Horse Trough: Presented to the city in 1910 by the National Humane Alliance and later relocated to Main St. from its original site at Division St. and First Ave. (Marchand 312)

Main Street: View from Fourth St.; photo dated July 4, 1898 (Meyer-Schlamp 62)

Main Street: First block from Water St. (Riverside Dr.); Old State National Bank (with columns) is second building at left; c. 1880s (Hammond 1)

Main Street: View of block between Fifth and Sixth Sts. “prior to 1916” (Knecht 230)

Main Street: Photo dated December 19, 1929 (Knecht 2099)

Main Street: Red Spot Paints kiosk; photo dated 1917 (Knecht 443)

Main Street: Looking towards the new Civic Center; photo dated April 18, 1971 (18PC 64)

Main Street: Night view; photo dated 1965 (Center City 47)

Main Street: Bargain Arcade; early 1900s (Riggs 12)

Main Street at Fifth Street: C. 1940s (Payne 45)

Main Street at Fifth Street: Looking south from Fifth St.; 1945 (Knecht 2335)

Main Street at Fifth Street: Photo dated 1923 (Knecht 4509)

Main Street at Fifth Street: Looking southeast towards Locust St.; c. 1920s (Cox 6)

Main Street at Fifth Street: C. 1920s (Cox 4)

Main Street at Fifth Street: C. 1920 (Cox 5)

Main Street at First Street: Merchants Bank on the corner; photo dated 1947 (Knecht 814)

Main Street at First Street: Northwest corner; early 1900s (Knecht 4542)

Main Street at Fourth Street: 1930s (Knecht 2354)

Main Street at Fourth Street: Photo dated 1921 (Knecht 1443)

Main Street at Fourth Street: Citizens National Bank; small building next to it is Kay Jewelers; c. 1960

Main Street at Riverside Drive: Photo dated 1947 (Knecht 549)

Main Street at Riverside Drive: Looking towards First St.; photo dated 1947 (Knecht 4527)

Main Street at Second Street: Officer Earl Gentry holds one of the first traffic signs in the city; photo dated 1918 (Knecht 785)

Main Street at Second Street: Looking towards Third St.; photo dated 1918-1919 (Knecht 4474)

Main Street at Second Street: Pedestrians pause at 12:30 for a 3-minute prayer as whistles blow and bells ring under a proclamation issued by Mayor Bosse in 1918 ; Clara Knecht is at left, while traffic officer Emmett Bell stands next to the stop sign (Knecht 1931)

Main Street at Second Street: Looking towards Third St.; c. 1920 (Knecht 4546)

Main Street at Second Street: C. 1930s (Knecht 4497)

Main Street at Second Street: Photo dated October 1936 (Knecht 4501)

Main Street at Second Street: Looking towards Third St.; photo dated 1947 (Knecht 4548)

Main Street at Second Street: Photo dated 1923 (Knecht 4504)

Main Street at Seventh Street: The Elks Candy Store; photo dated 1910 (Knecht 4028)

Main Street at Third Street Photo dated 1910 (Knecht 270)

Main Street at Third Street: Photo dated 1950 (Knecht 4482)

Main Street at Third Street: Later the site of National City Bank; photo dated January 1, 1914 (Knecht 4514)

Main Street: Fire January 1951 (Gaisser 7)

Main Street Walkway: View from Civic Center complex; c. 1980 (1PC 10)

Main Street, 100 Block: C. 1960s (Knecht 346)

Main Street, 100 Block: C. late 1940s (VC 87)

Main Street, 100 Block: Hermann’s Candy store is at right (VC 88)

Main Street, 100 Block: Looking towards the Ohio River; c. 1920s (Knecht 409)

Main Street, 100 Block: Photo dated 1950 (Knecht 4488)

Main Street, 100 Block: Members of the Evansville Courier staff standing in front of the newspaper office; the first four women are identified (l-r) as: Nell Overton, Jo Schneider, Frances Jerson (?), and Florence Meinhart; the man at far right is William Deeds, free-lance photog

Main Street, 19: Marble Hall, home of Herrmann & Bro. in the late 1800s; originally built as an auditorium in the 1850s and razed after the 1937 flood (Payne 27)

Main Street, 200 Block: C. 1950 (Meyer-Schlamp 370)

Main Street, 200 Block: National City Bank; c. 1915 (Knecht 606)

Main Street, 200 Block: Early 1900s (Payne 34)

Main Street, 200 Block: At corner is City National Bank (later, National City Bank); photo dated 1914 (Knecht 424)

Main Street, 200 Block: Strouse & Bros. (left) and H. A. Woods Drug Store (right); photo dated October 1947 (Knecht 449)

Main Street, 200 Block: Looking towards the Ohio River during construction of the new walkway; photo dated April 1971 (19PC 63)

Main Street, 200 Block: Corner building (230 Main St.) was built c. 1855 as the Washington Hotel; more recently the site of the Farmer’s Daughter Restaurant; photo dated 1916 (Knecht 4464)

Main Street, 200 Block: Advertisement for Washington House on corner of Main and Third Sts., a hotel built in the 1850s (Meyer-Schlamp 431)

Main Street, 200 Block: Photo dated November 1937 (Knecht 3986)

Main Street, 200 Block, Looking towards intersection of Main and Second Sts.; c. 1880s (Knecht 105)

Main Street, 200 Block Photo dated 1950 (Knecht 4481)

Main Street, 228-230, The building on the corner opened in 1855 as the Washington House, a hotel; it has been occupied by many businesses over the years. The tall building behind it is the Vendome Hotel on NW Third St.; c. 1960 (Miscellaneous Collection)

Main Street, 228-230, The Farmer’s Daughter Restaurant, originally the Washington House Hotel; built in 1855, it is Evansville’s oldest extant downtown building; c. 1971 (230 Main Street File)

Main Street, 228-230, Home of the Farmer’s Daughter Restaurant and WROZ radio station; photo dated 1984 (Marchand 1692)

Main Street, 300 Block, C. 1940s (Meyer-Schlamp 368)

Main Street, 300 Block, C. 1950s (Donahue 5)

Main Street, 300 Block, Citizens National Bank (tallest building) at center; Kresge Co. at left; c. 1950s (McCool 2)

Main Street, 313, Detail of the Ridgeway Building; photo dated October 1985 (7PC 26)

Main Street, 400 Block: C. 1940s (Meyer-Schlamp 369)

Main Street, 400 Block: C. 1915 (Deeds 37)

Main Street, 400 Block: The sign on the building at left reads: “The Old State National Bank will occupy a modern building on this site.” C. 1910 (Deeds 9)

Main Street, 400 Block: Construction of the new Old State National Bank; c. 1910 (Deeds 10)

Main Street, 400 Block: C. 1920 (Knecht 4456)

Main Street, 400 Block: C. 1940 (Payne 44)

Main Street, 400 Block: West side of block; photo dated 1946 (Knecht 4499)

Main Street, 400 Block: C. 1960s (Payne 52)

Main Street, 400-402: Salm’s department store; photo dated May 1970 (Marchand 1965)

Main Street, 415: Currently occupied by The Jungle Coffee House; photo dated 1999 (21PC 39)

Main Street, 416-420: Old State National Bank (left) and Lincoln Hotel; c. 1920 (Deeds 11)

Main Street, 500 Block: C. 1960s (Meyer-Schlamp 476)

Main Street, 500 Block: Looking towards Sixth St.; Savoy Theatre is in center of the block; early 1900s (Deeds 74)

Main Street, 500 Block: William Hughes Building in center; early 1900s (Deeds 38)

Main Street, 500 Block: Main and Fifth Sts.; c. 1950 (Donahue 2)

Main Street, 500 Block: Construction of the new walkway; photo dated June 6, 1971 (19PC 67)

Main Street, 500 Block: American Trust & Savings Company is in the foreground; photo dated 1907 (Knecht 154)

Main Street, 501: Union Federal Savings & Loan Co. building, c. 1980s (Marchand 2531)

Main Street, 517-521: Salm’s Department Store; photo dated 1924 (Knecht 3248)

Main Street, 600 Block: Loew’s Theater and the Hotel Sonntag; c. 1940s (Donahue 4)

Main Street, 600 Block: Construction of the walkway (new Civic Center is in background); photo dated April 18, 1971 (18PC 65)

Main Street, 600 Block: Photo dated August 15, 1910 (Knecht 880)

Main Street, 700 Block: Boehne Building; c. 1920 (Deeds 34)

Main Street, 700 Block: C. 1960s (Payne 53)

Main Street, 800 Block: The Imperial Hotel is at right (800-802 Main St.); photo dated 1916 (Knecht 683)

Main Street, 915-921: Former home of the Parsons & Scoville Co.; c. 1981 (Marchand 90)